2008年8月13日 星期三

Beijing: Ethnic Park Protest

Beijing: Ethnic Park Protest - Aug. 13, 2008

Tibet activists blockaded the front entrance of the Chinese Ethnic
Culture Park, at the south end of the Olympic Park, at 12:30pm today.
The five were behind locked bicycles across the entrance to the park,
which prominently features an exhibit of Tibetan culture. They wore
t-shirts reading “Free Tibet” and held a banner reading “Tibetans Are
Dying for Freedom.” A sixth activist, a Tibetan-Japanese woman, made a
statement about what they were doing and the situation on the ground in

Nearby, two other activists unfurled a banner over a pedestrian bridge, which read “Free Tibet.”

two activists at the bridge were immediately detained by security
officials. The six outside the park were detained after approximately
five minutes. The activists are: Pema Yoko, 25, a Tibetan-Japanese
woman resident in the UK; Americans Tom Cohen, 41; Martin Thomas, 36;
Jennifer Kirby, 30; Jene DeSpain, 31; James Brady, 41; Bani Campozano,
20; and Jonathan Fox, 29, an Israeli-American. Their present
whereabouts are unknown.


发表日期 13/08/2008 更新日期 13/08/2008 12:02 TU


在场的英国ITN电视台驻北京记者和奥运特派记者JOHN RAY 被警察暴力拖到车里和一家餐馆的地上。英国记者试图说明自己的记者身份,但警察根本不让他掏出证件,在他想从餐馆逃出时,鞋子被警察扒下来。北京警方对英国记者施暴过程大约20分钟。

